Languages for Fun

Moving on from Laura in Geneva’s blog, last week, The HUB connects with Esther.  She is Swiss, but has also lived as an expat so understands that adapting, settling and integrating is often a challenge. “My name is Esther, I’m a Swiss citizen, with...
Emily in Paris vs Laura in Geneva

Emily in Paris vs Laura in Geneva

Now, I like Emily in Paris as much as the next person and binge-watched the latest series.  But I’m going to say it – Emily has sold us all a lie! Be honest, who didn’t – when first faced with the idea of moving to a chic European city like Geneva –...
Covid Quarantine is emotional. Quarantini anyone?

Covid Quarantine is emotional. Quarantini anyone?

It’s a month before Christmas and my daughter has Covid.  At home, we took precautions to prevent transmission, but she has lovingly passed it onto me.  Quarantine is our priority.  Fortunately, we have both had mild symptoms and are very lucky to be emerging out of...
Le Français – a worthwhile journey

Le Français – a worthwhile journey

“Speaking French, that’ll be easy to crack”.  That’s what I thought when we started to plan our new life in Geneva.  “A bit of hard work, a few embarrassing episodes but then it’ll start to slot into place.”  I couldn’t envisage an alternative.  And anyway I was sure...
The Hub Geneva